Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Interior Painting in Cockeysville MD: What Color Should You Choose?

So you’ve hired Bay Country Painters to do some interior painting. Cockeysville MD home and business owners can take a few hints about color selection from us in this blog. We realize that choosing the perfect color for your home and/or office can be a difficult task, so we hope this blog helps you come to a decision about the best interior painting colors to suit your mood and needs!

Office: Blue is the best color for an office. It encourages productivity and motivation.

Kitchen: Yellow is a great color for a kitchen. It can help increase your metabolism and energy.

Bedroom: Green encourages relaxation and tranquility.

Living Room:  Lavender can encourage relaxation as well, plus it can help calm your frazzled nerves.

Dining Room: Red can encourage people’s appetites and make them even more hungry!

And if you’re a Cockeysville MD business owner looking for interior painting ideas, here are a few more color tips for you.

If blue isn’t your favorite color, try green if you want to encourage relaxation, like if your Cockeysville MD industry is high-stress. White is also a good choice for interior painting because it’s a neutral color, reflects more light and can help keep your Cockeysville MD workers feeling peppy and optimistic. But if you want something that can help enhance your workers’ concentration, a nice shade of yellow is a good choice. It can help people focus on the task at hand and can help sleepy workers stay more alert. 

For all of your interior painting needs in Cockeysville MD, call Bay Country Painters at (410) 544-4400 or 1-800-937-2468, or contact us online for a free estimate. We can also offer suggestions on interior painting colors and we can answer any other questions you have about our services!